M.M. Stefanos

  |   Egypt

Dear Dr. Samadi,

No words could express my gratitude for this successful operation, in which I came out cured, relived without any pain. This robotic operation was a success because YOU were behind it. Dr Samadi you are Great. Because of you, I am a happy man today. I feel normal physically and morally. Mount Sinai should be proud to have a doctor like you. All my family and friends from Egypt join to thank you.

As you know, I prepared vigorously for this procedure by exercising and losing weight. I’m proud to say that I lost approximately 25 pounds under your direction. I traveled thousands of miles from Alexandria, Egypt to be in under your care and supervision. My concern and anxiety leading up to this procedure was high. As a 70 year old man, with a long history of prostate cancer I am blessed with the opportunity to say thank you for making this procedure quick, uneventful and virtually painless. Your experience, care and benevolence have touched the lives of myself and my family. The success of my surgery is truly a miracle thanks to you.

I want to share with you a few things that I experienced following this major procedure:

You removed my enlarged prostate ( 111 grams ) in less than 1.5 hours with a loss of only 3 table spoons of blood. I am pleased to say that I had no pain, and I never used any of the prescribed pain medication

The third day following the procedure, I walked to Starbucks several blocks away from my place. I never expected that I would be able to do that so soon.

By the first week, I felt that all my nerve sensations were normal. Clearly this is a result of your experience, care and surgical precision.

One month later I am back home, working, and doing my normal routine. And, I am happy to say that I look forward to hopefully resume exercising in a couple of months.

Dr. Samadi, you have helped me renew my lease on life! You are a wonderful physician and an extraordinary human being. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and blessed New Year.

M.M. Stefanos
Alexandria, Egypt

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